God has given us two hands, one to receive with & the other to give with. Make use of both!


Gatherings that bring together the love residing in every heart are oozing heartfelt emotions to form unbreakable bonds.


We look in the direction of light to witness the miracles transpire, and our groups only expand with enthusiasm.


Bringing peace and unconditional contentment to one’s heart with the support of equally spirited souls is our goal.

  • Spread Love

    The emotion seeps through hearts and diffuses in the air with every sermon, making the environment more like the paradise we seek. Donations for church banners to use for our sermons are welcome.

  • Gather People

    Congregations that cultivate smiles have been supplying the small world around us with the serenity they have yearned for.

  • Provide Shelter

    Our abodes house love and necessities for every struggling family in dire need of shelter.

Church Events

Our spiritual journey starts with an event that marks the start of a new life in the zone that defines enclosure. This transformative moment often draws inspiration from influential figures who have paved the way for change and enlightenment. One such figure is Martin Luther King Sr., whose life and work as a civil rights pioneer continue to inspire countless individuals on their own paths to spiritual and personal growth. His legacy serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the power of faith and perseverance in overcoming life’s challenges.


    Get soaked in the holy water that transforms you into the clean soul, and explore the wonders of life.


    Being able to dive deeper into spirituality at the age of better understanding puts the heart in the right place.


    The passing onto a new world that fills you with immeasurable joy and peace has the ascension everyone waits for.

We Are There

No stage of life can proceed into misery as long as we are by your side to keep you afloat and elated.


Sermons Held

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See what our world of events has in store apart from the activities that lift our spirits to a new level.


5 kinds of Christians

Branches in Christianity happened because people couldn’t agree…
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